@article{oai:yachts.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000008, author = {鈴木, みわの and 青木, 実枝}, journal = {山形保健医療研究 = Yamagata Journal of Health Sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {論文(Article), Abstract : The purpose of this research is to clarify the elements comprising the teaching concepts of nursing instructors that have an impact on the quality of on-the-job training of nursing students. An open-response questionnaire survey was conducted by polling on-the-job training instructors who shoulder the responsibility of training psychiatric nursing trainees. This descriptive content was analyzed following the Berelson B. method of analysis. Ten categories of elements that make up teaching concepts were extracted from the results.\ The ten categories are: those guidance attitudes that show encouragement for the formation of students' learning motivations [to place importance on having an attitude of respecting individual student] [to be an instructor who thinks and learns collaboratively with the students], those showing support for the hearts and minds of students [to conduct training in such a way that gives students enough leeway so that they can grow] [to keep a vigilant watch on the student-patient relationship, based on the premise that psychiatric patients are not really good at communicating], those who show concrete instructing methods that stimulate the creation of meaningfulness of experience [to lend a helping hand so that students can delve deeply into studies] [to conduct training in such a way that students are able to take a long look at themselves and reflect on their training], those that show the substance of what it is that we hope for the students to learn [to conduct training in such a way that relates to respect for the patient as a human being] [concerning the relationship with patients, to make the students learn about the patients' pain and anguish suffered by the patients and what sort of care is being extended to them], and those that are founded upon the experience of the instructor herself/himself [to conduct training in such a way that makes use of what has been learned by the instructor herself/himself as a student, and from her/his experience as an instructor] [to receive training in instruction, and reflect upon one's self while instructing], Keyword : psychiatric nursing, training, teaching concepts, psychiatry, Berelson.B, 要旨:\  本研究の目的は,看護学生の臨地実習の質に影響する実習指導者の指導観を形成する要因を明らかにすることである。精神看護学実習の指導を担っている臨地実習指導者を対象に,自由回答式質問紙による調査を行った。記述内容は Berelson.B.の内容分析の方法に倣って分析した。\  その結果,指導観を形成する要因は5項目あり,10カテゴリを抽出できた。これらの要因とカテゴリは,「学生の学習意欲形成を促す指導態度」を示す【学生一人一人を尊重する姿勢を大切にしている】【学生と共に考え,学んでいける指導者であるようにしている】と,「学生の心のサポート」を示す【学生が心にゆとりを持って,のびのび実習できるようにしている】【精神科の患者はコミュニケーションを苦手としていることをふまえ,学生‐患者関係に気を配っている】,「体験の意味づけを促す具体的指導方法」を示す【学生が学びを深める手助けができるようにしている】【学生が自己を見つめ,振り返りができる実習になるようにしている】,「学生に学んでほしい内容」を示す【対象を人として尊重した関わりをするように指導している】【対象と関わることで,対象がもつ苦しみや,それに対してどのようなケアが行なわれているのか学んでもらう】,「指導者自身の経験」が基盤となった【指導者自身が学生として,指導者として経験し,学んだことを生かして指導している】【実習指導に関する研修を受け,自己を振り返りながら指導している】であった。, キーワード:精神看護学,実習,指導観,精神科,ベレルソン.B}, pages = {29--39}, title = {精神看護学実習指導者の指導観を形成する要因}, volume = {10}, year = {2007} }